Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

5/6 Monsoon Christmas Party & Gift Exchange

Students and teachers have has a throughly enjoyable and successful year together in 2022. To celebrate, all classes will host an end of year celebration for the children in their classrooms on Wednesday 14th December. Students are asked to come dressed in Christmas themed clothes. If students do not have Christmas coloured clothing, they can come dressed in mufti clothes.

Some snacks will be provided be the classroom teacher, however if students wish to bring something to share, they are most welcome to do so. Please pack a drink and other food your child will require for the day. If your child has any dietary needs, please bring something they can enjoy.

K-6 students and staff will end the day with a DISCO under the COLA for 2pm.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school on 6785 1599.

5/6 Monsoon Students have also expressed interest in a class Secret Santa gift exchange, set at a maximum of $10 for each gift.

Gifts will be exchanged at the Christmas party on Wednesday 14th December, however gifts will need to be wrapped and labelled and brought to school by Monday 12th December.

If your child would like to participate please complete the attached permission note and return by Friday 2nd December.