Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

Lake Keepit K-4

As a way of providing an opportunity to those students who were not able to participate in the Primary Swimming Carnival and to recognise the great start all students have had to the year, Manilla Central School will be attending Lake Keepit Water Park and Recreation area for a day of activities.


All Kindergarten to Year 4 students are able to attend this day, which will be held on Wednesday, 28th February, 2024.


The bus will leave the Primary site at 9:30am and return to school around 2:30pm.


The cost of this excursion is $2, which will cover each students entry to the park. The school will be covering the cost of transport to and from Lake Keepit.


Students will need to wear school sports uniform. They will also need a hat, drink bottle, morning tea, lunch and clothing appropriate for swimming. Students will not have the ability to make any purchases at this venue, therefore spending money is not required.


Could you please complete the attached permission notes and return to the school, by Monday, 26th February, 2024. 


Congratulations on your hard work and fantastic start to the year.