Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

Year 12 Life Ready Camp

Your child is required to attend the Year 12 Life Ready Camp at Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre, Armidale from Wednesday 2nd April to Friday 4th April 2025.


This excursion is a mandatory component of the HSC Curriculum and attendance is compulsory.

The excursion will cost $50.


Students will depart from Manilla Central School on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 at 7:45am.

Students will return to Manilla Central School on Friday 4th April 2024 at 3:30pm.

Travel will be by MCS bus driven by teacher.

The students will be supervised by staff members Mrs Lynch and Mr Rowe.


Students will need the following items on this excursion:

  • a detailed list of what to bring is attached.


Overnight excursion advice

Accommodation will be at Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre, Armidale. Students will be camping for two nights.

The group will be supervised by Mrs Lynch and Mr Rowe.

In the event of an emergency during school hours, please contact the school on 6785 1184. If it is after hours, please phone 0436 620 574.


Additional Information

Life Ready is a mandatory 25-hour course designed to prepare and support senior students as they encounter situations to health and safety as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities. It focuses on offering opportunities for students to build the functional knowledge and skills for post school.





Life ready aims to help prepare senior students to:

  • Confidently and successfully transition to post-school employment, training or further education, as well as participation and independence in the community.
  • Lead healthy, safe and meaningful lives which promote respect, responsibility, enjoyment, inclusion and social justice for self and others