Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

Primary Cross Country

The K-6 Cross Country will take place on Friday, 5th May, at the Secondary Site. Students will have an early Break 1 and then walk up to the secondary campus, arriving at approximately 10.30 am.

All students K-6 are expected to participate in the Cross Country as this is part of the school's sport program. Events are expected to commence at approximately 11:00am.

Students will run:

• 5 - 7 year olds.- 1 kilometre

• 8 - 10 year olds -2 kilometres

• 11-13 year olds - 3 kilometres

Students who are 8 years and older, and come in the first four places, are expected to represent the school at the Tamworth Zone Cross Country to be held on 12th May, 2023.

Students will need to bring a packed morning tea for Break 1 (with a few extra snacks as they will get hungry). The canteen will be closed for Break 1. Students will be returning to school for Break 2 at the completion of the event. Orders are to be place in the morning as normal.

Students will need to bring a hat, sunscreen and water. They are also encouraged to wear their house colours {Sirius - purple, Zemos -Aqua, Adara - orange) and joggers.

The presentation of ribbons and medallions, and the announcing of house points, will be held at school on a day yet to be determined.

Any parents or caregivers wanting to take students home following the Cross Country run are asked to sign them out at the recording table before they leave.

Parents and friends are most welcome to join us.