Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

Central Schools Netball

Your child has been selected to attend an excursion to Central Schools Netball at Inverell on Tuesday the 18th of July to Wednesday the 19th of July 2023.

This excursion has been planned for Sport curriculum learning areas.

The excursion will cost $40.00 which will cover Accommodation.

The school will cover the cost of the Bus.

The class will depart from Manilla Central School at 6.30am on the 18th of July.

The students will return to Manilla Central School at 3.30pm on the 19th of July.

Travel will be by Bus

The students will be supervised by staff members Alyssa Nott & Rebecca Cowell

Students will need the following items on this excursion:

• Sleeping Bag

• Towel

• Day 1 - Snacks, Lunch and Drinks

• Money for Day 1 – Evening Meal

• Money for Day 2 - Lunch

• full school uniform

Overnight excursion advice

Accommodation will be at Inverell Caravan Park

Travel will be by Bus

The group will be supervised by Alyssa Nott & Rebecca Cowell

In the event of an emergency during school hours, please contact the school on 6785 1184. If it is after hours, please phone 0436 620 574 (Secondary)

Students may bring mobile phones on the excursion and are required to comply with our Yondr Mobile Phone Policy. Manilla Central School takes no responsibility for any loss or damage.