Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

University Roadshow

Your child is invited to attend the University Roadshow at Tamworth High School on Wednesday 26th February 2025.


This excursion has been planned for Careers curriculum learning area.

The excursion will cost $0

The class will depart from MCS at 9:20am

The students will return to MCS at 12:45pm

Travel will be by MCS bus

The students will be supervised by staff members Mrs Jones


Students will need the following items on this excursion:

  • Full school uniform
  • Lunch from home or money for McDonalds


Additional Information

There is a limit of 10 seats available, so please return permission note asap. Universities in attendance will be University of New England, Charles Sturt University, Southern Cross University and University of Newcastle.