Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

Netball NSW Schools Cup Carnival - Primary

Our school is entering 2 teams in the Netball NSW Schools Cup Competition, one team of year 3 & 4 students, and another team of year 5 & 6 students. Both boys and girls are eligible to participate.

When: Tuesday, 29th March, 2022

Where: Tamworth Sports Dome Netball Courts

Cost: $4.00 entry fee. The school will be covering the cost of the bus.

If your child would like to play in the Netball NSW School Cup Carnival please complete and return the permission form with full payment, and medical section attached to the office. There are 10 places in each team and will be filled on a “first in” basis.

Students will need to be at school before 7.30a.m. to travel by bus and arrive at the sports dome by 8.30a.m. The day will finish at approximately 2.30p.m. with students arriving back at school by around 3.30p.m. Students will not be expected to arrive back in time to catch afternoon buses.

Please ensure students wear their sports uniform, including their school broad brimmed hat, as well as bringing the following:

• Morning tea

• Lunch

• Healthy snacks

• Water

• Sunscreen

• Asthma medication (if required)

• Short fingernails/NO jewellery

Students will need to have sufficient food packed. It is not yet known if the canteen will be operating, but even if it is, it can be a very slow option.

Parents are more than welcome to come along and watch and you may take your child home with you afterwards. If your child is going to be travelling home with another parent please send in a written note with relevant information.

Netball NSW will be constantly monitoring the situation and adopting all advice and protocols as advised by the NSW Government and NSW Health as they are announced.