Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

Manilla Show - Junior Cattle Judging and Parading

Your child is invited to attend the Manilla Show - Junior Cattle Judging and Parading at Manilla Showground on Friday 14th March 2025.


This excursion has been planned for Agriculture curriculum learning area

The excursion will cost $0

The class will depart from MCS at 9:00am

The students will return to MCS by 3:20pm

Travel will be by private vehicle with Mr Connors and/or Mr Priest

The students will be supervised by staff members Mr Connors and Mr Priest


Students will need the following items on this excursion:

  • Full Parading uniform; nice jeans, MCS Parading shirt, boots and hat
  • Water and lunch from home, however there may be an option to purchase lunch