Manilla Central School

I begin. I strive. I achieve.

Telephone02 6785 1184

Beef Product Study

Your child has been invited to participate in a Beef Product Study at Bective Feedlot and Teys Abattoir on Tuesday 18th March 2025.


This excursion has been planned for Agriculture and Primary Industries curriculum learning area.

The excursion will cost $0.


The students will depart from Manilla Central School at 9:00am.

The students will return to Manilla Central School at 3:20pm.


Travel will be by MCS bus driven by Mr Connors.

The students will be supervised by staff members Mr Justin Connors.


Additional Information


Morning tea, lunch and adequate water is to be brought from home.

Students are to wear enclosed footwear (boots preferred), jeans, MCS show shirt and hat.