21 Jun 2021

S1H have enjoyed investigating ‘Earth and Space’ this term. Students have discussed the observable changes that occur in the sky and landscape and explored Earth’s resources. S1H have become aware that it is their behaviour that will have an impact upon the availability of resources in the future. They know that if they observe the 3R’s of sustainability they are working towards a healthy environment. Students identified how Aboriginal people used Earth’s resources to meet their needs.
S1H have continued to work hard during math investigation activities. They have enjoyed the challenge of using their knowledge of doubles as an addition strategy. Through games, students have built their understanding of place value. They have realised that it is the reasoning behind their answer that is important, not just giving an answer.
We have all become athletes this term, as we practised for both the school cross country and athletics carnival. Students participated eagerly in all events during sport activities and agreed that with perseverance and persistence we can achieve great things.