19 Jul 2021

Kindergarten have settled back in nicely to our daily routines and have been very busy as we begin our new topics for this term.
Curriculum - This term our Unit of Inquiry is ‘People Live in Places’. Students will identify familiar places and recognise why some places are special or important to people and how they care for them. They recognise that places can be represented on maps. This will also be the topic of our daily writing as we write about places special to us such as our bedrooms, our homes, our classroom, our school and our town.
Students will continue to broaden their knowledge of number in Mathematics by picturing patterns in their head such as standard dice patterns and ten frames to assist them to add on and take away.
Library Day - Our class library is Tuesday with Mrs Brinkley.
Sports Day - Our class will join with Stage 1 each Friday for Sport. This term we will be learning golf skills, basketball skills and tee ball skills.
Term 4 Excursion - Our planned excursion in Term 4 is still going ahead at this stage. We will inform parents and carers of any changes depending on updates to Covid restrictions. The cost of this excursion is $26.00 per student and is due by Term 3 Week 5 Friday, 13th August 2021. Small weekly instalments are encouraged to assist budgeting.
Pictured are students showing off their writing after Friday dictation, along with them building ‘short’ and ‘long’ lengths.